Location: New Brunswick, Canada

I am here to tempt you into scrapping rectangles! Look at all the beautiful LOs that I will tempt you with, not to mention great sketches Need to email me? Do it at

Friday, January 20, 2006

This isn't rectangle - SOTB Newsletter

OK, this isn't anything rectangle related, but I wanted to post a link to the SOTB newsletter and give myself a shout out for that GORGEOUS kit the ad was made with hahaha.

I was so excited to see my Wait a Minute Mr Snowman that I almost peed my self (now wouldn't that have been something to laugh at?)

And you know what, as celebration to all you blog readers of mine, I want to extend to you a free sample of my Wait a Minute Mr Snowman Kit! I will keep this up until Monday (ps don't forget Monday is deadline for the Sketch challenge as well). You can download it by visiting this link :)

What makes me laugh...

OK, was reading a Blog challenge at the digichick and the topic was what makes me laugh. So, I got thinking -- obviously, my gorgeous sweet daughter makes me laugh - she does the cutest little things sometimes and it is so wierd to see her 'growing' up -- trying new things / imitating. I laugh, because she has a lot of me in her -- easily frustrated when things don't go her way lol. So, that is one thing. Another thing that makes me laugh -- you know those headlines that they show on Jay Leno -- the ones that are all screwed up and have been published in the paper etc. For some reasons, those may me REALLY REALLY laugh. I am not sure why, but I remember it started when I was preggo and I almost burst my bladder one night watching them. I could see the same one over and over and still laugh. So, there it is in a nutshell - here are some things that make me laugh -- and now I have told the whole world (ok, maybe not whole world -- maybe just handful of people reading my blog) -- If you are reading, tell me what makes you laugh!!

Don't forget to check out my sketch and send me a link with a LO you have used the sketch on -- you can win a free kit from me :)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Should have warned u ;)

When I scraplift -- I really try to make it my own. I am not much into blatant lifting - I kinda look at the LO and what draws me into it .. and make it my own.

So, Raji posted a challenge for my take on this LO - It is By Bellbird at Rakscraps and is called U R my Sunshine

Now, I could have lifted this pretty much pixel for pixel and made it into a rectangle, but I thought I would focus on what I love most on this LO and put my spin on it. So, what do I love most -- well, the adorable photo of course. What a cutie - I love how even with all the patterns and papers, it still pops off page. Next, I totally love the matting of paper blocks. I also love the white space.

So, instead of a soft LO, I wanted something funky and snazzy which reflects Cassidy's personality. This is what I came up with. I replaced white space, with black space to make the papers really pop. Instead of matting the block just behind the photo, I wanted to make the eye flow to the corner like she is looking, so I layered them left to right and put my title on the bototm right corner. Dunno if this works or not, but I like it anyways. Total time to scrap this, 30 mins - isn't it nice when you are inspired by someone else. Most of my time was spent on kit selection - which I must say, I love this kit. It is called Sassy Girl by Bette Duganitz at Scrap Outside the Box! You should check it out! Stitches by none other than my favorite Stitch Queen - Christine Nash at SOTB

Sorry so quiet - CHALLENGE ME

Sorry so quiet yesterday - was working -- also just found out the team I manage at work won an Achievement award for the project we were working on last year-- woohoo.

Anyways, was also dabbling designing a kit - it is part of a challenge the designers are doing at SOTB This has been fun, because the colours were not me at first -- so i kinda just started playing and then BOOM -- something very me came out of it. Those of you who don't know my designs, I am usually into lots of patterns and themes.

So, today, I would like to challenge my readers to challenge me! I want you to post a LO you would like me to scraplift (square) and covert into a an awesome rectangle! So, quick, do some gallery hunting for hard squares out there! (I will also try to add notes on how I picked apart the square and turned it into a rectangle)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Help support a worthy cause

I read this story and was extremely touched -- and very sad. Please take some time to read the blog of a fellow designer - Alisha Hess as she shares a story of a family's grief as they mourn the loss of their child from Potter's Syndrom. I had never even heard of this before - help shed some light on this very serious illness.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Rectangle Spotlight - PLucky

Spotlight - PLucky (view her gallery here)

OK, wow, I am not lying when I say I could not just pick one LO from this awesome scrappers gallery. Her gallery is soooooo full of absolutely adorable rectangle scraps. I have added a few of my favorites.

Kali Sing Babygirl -
(Kit: Jen Wilson - Fancy Free - SBB)
The first one here I just love because it is chalked full of photos yet still doesn't seem over crowded -- the colors are superb. The title really pops out and the journaling is awesome... and OMG! That girl is just the cutest (well, beside my Cassidy of course haha). I am totally gonna do a scrap like this - I have photos of Cassidy at Christmas doing if you're happy and you know it..

Kali Happy New Year
Lifted a layout by Lindsay77. You can see it here
Kit: Kit used: Tracy Collins - Be Merry - retrodiva

Now, why chose a scraplifted one? Well, mainly because it pops RIGHT off the screen at me and secondly - it shows that any square LO can be made into a stunning rectangle with the right eye! Compare the two LOs, they are equally as stunning square or rectangle.
Now, in this LO, I totally love the colors selected! It is so fun - again, it is another awesome diplay of a multiphoto LO. The photos are balanced by the color/paper blocks. The journaling is again - awesome.

Now, as I sit and look at her whole gallery - it makes me wanna go scraplift every LO haha. She is one talented scrapper that is for sure!

Poker Today

Yippeee -- this has nothing to do with being square, but I have my Poker night tonight. I play in a league every Tuesday. I was at the finals for the session last Sat and didn't fare too well -- probably about 100th spot out of 240 -- but better then busting out the first hand. This week is week #2 of this 6 week season - last week I didn't get to the final table which I do more than I don't -- so means I have twice to work if I want to qualify for the next final.

I think today I will inspire you with one of the LOs I found while gallery hunting. I need to make a scrap too - just launched my newest kit so should play with it. So, be on the look-out for an inspiring Rectangle scrapper very soon (need to narrow my selection down lol)

Monday, January 16, 2006

R U Square Sketch #3

OK, here is my latest sketch - can't wait to see what you guys do with it. As usual, alhtough I am tempting you to try a rectangle, if you just can't do it - you can try to tempt me to be square with your interpretation of my sketch :) Everyone who posts or emails me with their LO will be put in a draw for a free kit by me :)

I have really been enjoying seeing your LOs, I hope you can come up with something for this sketch. I worked on it this afternoon and came up with a LO too!

I call this one SMILE I used a cute paper pack by Correen Silke called My Sweet Love! What a steal of a deal this pack is! It even comes with the photo corners. Anyways, soon as I saw it, knew it would be great for Cassidy. Hard to believe I never liked pink B.C. (before Cassidy) - now I am like an addict!

Stitches are from Christine Nash's Simply Stitching set at Scrap Outside the Box

Winner of Sketch #2

Alright, I am going to post my sketch #3 soon - so I drew the winner for Sketch #2! Look at this cute cute LO that one -- gasp, it is a square hehe ;) Yeah, that is right, for you square scrappers out there - you can still use my sketches as a square and win! Look at how cute that little sweetie is! Wow! Great LO - be sure to leave sinead (maggieandmommy) some comments on her LO here. Sinead, I have dropped you a PM on digichic - but if you see this - email me at to claim your prize!

OK I won't flood you all at once

I have a lot I wanna post today, so I wanna space it out. See my LOs below for now -- stay tuned for a new sketch soon. I also went rectangle spotting in galleries this weekend. Wow, did I ever find some cool cool LOs! I have enough inspiration for weeks lol -- I have to refrain from wanting to post it all at once


Yeah! RAKSCRAPS newsletter is out (want it, click here) - This month, I was one of the designer highlights! What an incredible rush seeing other great designers and CT members use my designs! I was tickled pink! I have attached my two LOs from the newsletter

The first LO titled Christmas Love is my daughter Cassidy and my MIL. They have a very very close bond - have a special connection - you can read about it more in this LO - Our Little Angel.

Kit Credit: Alisha Hess - Christmas Delight Kit - Srap Outside the Box and Digitals

My 2nd LO was The Groom and His Men - This is a pic of my hubby (last one at back) and his 2 Best Men and Groomen at the wedding. I am just now getting around to scrapping my wedding pics - at this rate, I will have a whole album done sometime around our 25th anniversary.

Credit: Meredith Fenwick Reflections - Autumn Sunshine Paper and Element Packs - SBB

I was tagged

Before I start a posting frenzy today (I have got a lot of posts to do hehe) I was tagged so here we go:

I was tagged by Alisha Hess

Four jobs you’ve had in your life:

Hmmm - honestly, I don't think I have had four jobs lol. Well, growing up, I worked for my parents in their flea markets and craft sales. Did that til out of University - then worked at Taco Bell for a few months and then landed my job at NBTel (local Telephone company as Tech support for the Internet and have been with the company since. However, there I have been Tech Support, Supervisor, Team Leader -- then the last few years have been working as a Business Analyst/ Group Lead over one of the support systems the call centre uses.

Four movies you would watch over and over:
Do kids movies count ;) I have always been a Disney freak so it is great having Cassidy around now lol. For adult movies, I will watch all the Harry Potters over and over. Point Break, Armegeddon (don't ask, wierd obsession with that movie) -- Lord of the Rings.. Actually, I watch a lot of movies over and over.

Four places you have lived: Moncton (home town) New Brunswick, Lennoxville Quebec, Halifax Nova Scotia

Four TV shows you love to watch: Survivor, Amazing Race, Any Poker shows on, CSI

Four places you have been on vacation: Vegas (woohoo), Prince Edward Island, Orlando

Four websites you visit daily: Digitalscrapbookpages, Scrapoutsidethebox, Rakscraps, and Blogger

Four of your favorite foods: Chicken, Cheescake, Fries (really bad obsession), Roast Beef

Four places you would rather be right now: Sleeping (Cassidy got up early), Scrapping (can't find my groove), Reading a book, somewhere playing Poker

Four bloggers you are tagging:
Rectangle Scrapping - Mish
Little Connection (Audimc)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

OMG! Scrapblog of the week

OK, I have to share this with my readers. I have long read Michelle's Scrapability blogs, so when I got a note today she has chosen me as her Blog of the week, I think I almost peed my pants (ok, not a great thing to admit I know lol). When I started this blog, I really didn't think that it would go far, as I mentioned in my first post, I really didn't know what to blog about - so I thought long and hard about what makes me me -- and rectangle scrapping was it. So I went with it (since I really am not very interesting other wise)

So, those of you new here -- Welcome. My name is Ginger and I am a rectangle-aholic -- For those square scrappers, don't let me scare you away. You are more then welcome to use my sketches as squares and I would love to see them... but try it rectangle sometime. You may be suprised -- plus, you can have it printed for super cheap and give it out as a GIFT hehe (That is what originally got me hooked)

Also, if you are a rectangle scrapper, please drop me a note with a link to your gallery. So I can go get inpired by you! If you post a comment with your url, it looks like it is cut off - but I get a copy by email of the full URL so don't worry :)