Before I start a posting frenzy today (I have got a lot of posts to do hehe) I was tagged so here we go:
I was tagged by Alisha Hess
Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
Hmmm - honestly, I don't think I have had four jobs lol. Well, growing up, I worked for my parents in their flea markets and craft sales. Did that til out of University - then worked at Taco Bell for a few months and then landed my job at NBTel (local Telephone company as Tech support for the Internet and have been with the company since. However, there I have been Tech Support, Supervisor, Team Leader -- then the last few years have been working as a Business Analyst/ Group Lead over one of the support systems the call centre uses.
Four movies you would watch over and over: Do kids movies count ;) I have always been a Disney freak so it is great having Cassidy around now lol. For adult movies, I will watch all the Harry Potters over and over. Point Break, Armegeddon (don't ask, wierd obsession with that movie) -- Lord of the Rings.. Actually, I watch a lot of movies over and over.
Four places you have lived: Moncton (home town) New Brunswick, Lennoxville Quebec, Halifax Nova Scotia
Four TV shows you love to watch: Survivor, Amazing Race, Any Poker shows on, CSI
Four places you have been on vacation: Vegas (woohoo), Prince Edward Island, Orlando
Four websites you visit daily: Digitalscrapbookpages, Scrapoutsidethebox, Rakscraps, and Blogger
Four of your favorite foods: Chicken, Cheescake, Fries (really bad obsession), Roast Beef
Four places you would rather be right now: Sleeping (Cassidy got up early), Scrapping (can't find my groove), Reading a book, somewhere playing Poker
Four bloggers you are tagging: Rectangle Scrapping - Mish MommyBa Little Connection (Audimc) Robin |