Location: New Brunswick, Canada

I am here to tempt you into scrapping rectangles! Look at all the beautiful LOs that I will tempt you with, not to mention great sketches Need to email me? Do it at

Friday, February 24, 2006

Sorry, I have to post this

Down a bit of money @ the casino @ poker (made a nice comeback though) -- so when I logged in and saw a PM at Rakscraps with this LO, I knew I just had to post for you all - it really made my day -- sooooooo cute!! Raji, GREAT scrap! She is so so so cute! Check out her LO here

Thursday, February 23, 2006


R U TOO SQUARE to take my challenge? I am finally annoucing my contest starting here at the blog -- since I am out of town, I doubt I will be able to advert it until Monday -- so you can get an EARLY START!

My challenge -- I challenge you all to scrap a rectangle and post to this gallery by March 11th! There will be two voting -- Scrapper's choice and Designer's choice! What can you win?? You can win $50.00 to my Store! That is enough to keep you supplied with my kits for a while. So, in total, I will be giving out $100 -- PLUS, everyone who enters will get a free mini-kit by me! (I will post previews as soon as I get back home) .. I may also have a few random draws for prizes!

So, quick, start scrapping -- you can have as many entries as you want -- but they HAVE to be rectangles (any size)

Will be sparce

Will be missing for the next few days -- will update when I can -- I am traveling to Halifax for meetings and then an awards gala tomorrow night (my team got an achievement award). Probably will be bored in the hotel room and will update then

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Wanted to share this

OK, Have been reading the Shabby Shoope board (who hasn't) and saw this challenge and it reminded me of one of my alltime fav LOs! I don't do graphic style LOs often -- I am not sure why -- but thought I would share it with all you guys too :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The LOs I couldn't post

These are the LOs that I couldn't post last week, because they were going into the RAKFILE. So, here they are -- my fav fav fav one is SMILE -- my DH actually asked that I print it right away and it is already hanging in his office at work :)

a Smile - credits: Credits: Corren Silke's Elegant Tights Paper Pack
In my daughter's eyes- credits: Brenda Kempf's Preppy School
Christmas Supper - credits: Jeannine Baechtold - A Country ChristmasKit - Scrapdish

My New Sketch

Here is my new sketch - I was reading some photography posts at the ShabbyShoppe and was learning about storyboards. I thought, hey, aren't storyboards nice and rectangular ;) So, this sketch I would like to see a nice simple LO -- storyboard fashion. Make it all about the photos :)

Don't forget - you can view my past sketches with the RUSQUARE SKETCHES link on the right :) I am up to 9 sketches now! Who would have thought? Not me, in fact, when I first started blogging, I thought I may be able to fill enough content for like a week lol. I really am not very interesting afterall you know -- but now, I like long to blog. Wierd! Maybe it is because, unlike my DH, no one tells me to stop talking.

Still waiting on the final set-up of my contest - -- I am so itching to announce it anyways before everything is ready lol

Sorry late with sketch

Sorry I am late with sketch -- ended up getting busy @ work (how dare it) and took me away from blogging. Will be posting it this am :)

Monday, February 20, 2006

SPOTLIGHT - Amberlee - Snow Adorable

OK, I needed to post this LO right away. Not just because it is adorable and not just because there are so many things about this LO that I find fundamentally right -- but because you would look at this LO and think this scrapper always did rectangles! But nope, this is a one of my 'converts' lol. Amberlee took the challenge to try a rectangle LO and look what she came up with! Absolutely stunning!

So, what is it that I like about this LO (ignoring the fact that it is using my kit lol). First, I like the porportion of the photo compared to the LO -- it is large enough to be drawn into it, but not too over bearing (or vice versa). It is matted beautifully and the round corners really give it a nice soft feel. Next, I love how amberlee used the folder tags to date the LO (and tells us the name of that gorgeous little guys). This is a small touch, but it is something I often forget that my hubby gives me heck for (he says he would like to know in 5 years time -- when this photo was taken). She also balanced them by putting one on each side, which again, leads me around that great photo.

The title is adorable .. and I like how again, she balances the LO with the Snowflakes on the top and bottom. Makes it more symetrical, which is hard to sometimes do with a rectangle.

Overall, I think you will all agree, this is a stellar LO!

Designer: amberlee16
LO and Link: Snow Adorable
Credits: Snow Cute by Ginger Thibodeau, 3Scrapateers

It's Monday !

Yeah, I like Mondays - I miss my blog over the weekends, but with Cassidy and Poker, it is just too hard to update like I do on the weekdays :)

So, today, be on the look out for a new sketch -- don't forget to post or send me an email ( with your LO from last week if you haven't yet in order to get a chance to win a free kit.

Also, I will spotlight a LO today .. and hopefully, I will be able to announce my contest (just waiting now for things to get set-up). I think it should be fun for all :)

Hope you all had a GREAT weekend!

oh, and i don't know who else to brag to, because I am sure all my digi designer friends are getting sick of me and my tooting my own horn -- so you guys will have to listen. Guess what I noticed? I am on Digi Pick of the Day's Favorite Blogs -- and look at her pick of the day. Another rectangle -- hehe -- I have converted Melissa, I know I have. I will sleep better at nights now ;) One down, 1,000,000 other squares to go!