Location: New Brunswick, Canada

I am here to tempt you into scrapping rectangles! Look at all the beautiful LOs that I will tempt you with, not to mention great sketches Need to email me? Do it at

Monday, February 20, 2006

It's Monday !

Yeah, I like Mondays - I miss my blog over the weekends, but with Cassidy and Poker, it is just too hard to update like I do on the weekdays :)

So, today, be on the look out for a new sketch -- don't forget to post or send me an email ( with your LO from last week if you haven't yet in order to get a chance to win a free kit.

Also, I will spotlight a LO today .. and hopefully, I will be able to announce my contest (just waiting now for things to get set-up). I think it should be fun for all :)

Hope you all had a GREAT weekend!

oh, and i don't know who else to brag to, because I am sure all my digi designer friends are getting sick of me and my tooting my own horn -- so you guys will have to listen. Guess what I noticed? I am on Digi Pick of the Day's Favorite Blogs -- and look at her pick of the day. Another rectangle -- hehe -- I have converted Melissa, I know I have. I will sleep better at nights now ;) One down, 1,000,000 other squares to go!

Comments on "It's Monday !"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:47 AM) : 

I saw that at the Digi Pick of The Day and was going to Congratulate


from CTM Keli Carter @ 3Scrapateers


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:16 PM) : 

oh, that's funny. An elite few on Melissa's blog, but maybe she's just run out of space, lol. You belong on there, always enjoy your cornered take on things.

In the meantime, you'd almost converted me over the last weekend - perhaps next time I will go all rectang.-regular


Blogger Meredith said ... (10:57 PM) : 

Thanks for posting that at RAK, Ginger! I didn't even know that blog existed! I went back and looked all through the older posts! :) We will get them all to rectangles soon!!!! That way I won't have to re-size all my paper! ;)


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