Location: New Brunswick, Canada

I am here to tempt you into scrapping rectangles! Look at all the beautiful LOs that I will tempt you with, not to mention great sketches Need to email me? Do it at

Monday, September 17, 2007

OMG! It worked

Wow! I am back -- I hadn't even realized blog was gone until a few weeks ago -- and at that point I was in such a state that I was too sad to even think of starting again.

Let me fill you in with my summer:
Photogrpahy business has more the blossomed -- it is crazy busy.
My MIL entered into palliative care and lost her battle with Cancer Aug 23, 2007. It has been a very very sad time for everyone -- and when I saw this blog was gone, I felt even sadder. But now, I revived it - Wow!

So, I am starting to try to get myself back into the world of scrapping. I am going to start with catching up with my brag book for Cassidy. I hope that will help inspire me to design again -- I just open us PS lately and sit and stare. I have like a zillion awesome photos -- yet can't compel myself to start.

Now, this may be good news for any of you non-square scrappers as well -- as I will post my LOs and I may as well create a template to go with them. I don't know how often it will be as fall is still really busy with photos -- but I am hoping to jump right in.

If anyone is out there, and ever stops in to read this - -maybe it is in a feed of yours -- then Hello! Let me know you are out there :)


Not sure why this blog went AWOL but thinking it may have been when it switched over to GOOGLE. In any case, I am going to see if I can revive it with a am crossing fingers and praying lol