Location: New Brunswick, Canada

I am here to tempt you into scrapping rectangles! Look at all the beautiful LOs that I will tempt you with, not to mention great sketches Need to email me? Do it at

Monday, September 17, 2007

OMG! It worked

Wow! I am back -- I hadn't even realized blog was gone until a few weeks ago -- and at that point I was in such a state that I was too sad to even think of starting again.

Let me fill you in with my summer:
Photogrpahy business has more the blossomed -- it is crazy busy.
My MIL entered into palliative care and lost her battle with Cancer Aug 23, 2007. It has been a very very sad time for everyone -- and when I saw this blog was gone, I felt even sadder. But now, I revived it - Wow!

So, I am starting to try to get myself back into the world of scrapping. I am going to start with catching up with my brag book for Cassidy. I hope that will help inspire me to design again -- I just open us PS lately and sit and stare. I have like a zillion awesome photos -- yet can't compel myself to start.

Now, this may be good news for any of you non-square scrappers as well -- as I will post my LOs and I may as well create a template to go with them. I don't know how often it will be as fall is still really busy with photos -- but I am hoping to jump right in.

If anyone is out there, and ever stops in to read this - -maybe it is in a feed of yours -- then Hello! Let me know you are out there :)

Comments on "OMG! It worked"


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:09 PM) : 

I'm so glad you're back. You seemed to have gone missing all over the net.

Sorry to hear of your loss. Maybe designing will bring some joy back into your life.

Welcome, welcome back!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:16 AM) : 

Welcome back Ginger :)
So sorry about yr MIL,
hope you get yr mojo back soon!
Rectangles Unite !!

XX Sharon


Blogger clc said ... (7:47 PM) : 

Glad to see that you're back among the scrapping cult ;) and that your photography business is booming!

So sorry that you lost your mother-in-law.

You're missed at RAKscraps!


Blogger Melissa said ... (4:35 PM) : 

I stopped in a while back and today, while going through some old kits, I came across some of yours. Glad to see you are ok. I am sorry about your loss. Congrats on the photography business and your success in that. :)


Blogger Kerri said ... (6:48 PM) : 

OMG, Ginger! I'm SO glad to see you back! I've missed you terribly!!!!


Blogger Kerri said ... (6:48 PM) : 

I'm here! It's so nice to see you back! I've missed you terribly!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:57 AM) : 

Ginger!! (((HUGS))) I am sorry to hear of your loss, but glad to see you blogging again!! Here's wishing you a very happy holiday season this year!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:16 PM) : 

I do not know why i did not find your blog before!! Please tell your friends at also that you are all welcome to advertise your freebies for free on my website.

These are tough times and all the exposure is good for your work. Please come today.



Blogger Hugbuggal said ... (11:18 AM) : 

Welcome Back, Ginger - I've missed seeing your wonderful photos and layouts! My deepest sympathy on the loss of your MIL - my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
Can't wait to see all your new layouts and templates!

Big Hugs,
Tracy Marie


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